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Incorporating Edmentum Solutions into Your Local Designation System

As outlined in the  Teacher Incentive Allotment Guidebook for 2024-25, teacher effectiveness is based on the percentage of the teacher's students who meet or exceed an individualized expected growth target over a single school year. This method allows more equitable access to designation for effective teachers, regardless of their student population.
Districts may use third-party or district-created pre-tests and post-tests, value-added measures, Student Learning Objectives, and/or portfolios to measure student growth.

Contact Marie Keith, 

Texas Regional Services Director to learn more.

Supporting and Retaining Quality Educators:

How to Use Edmentum Solutions to Create Your Texas Local Designation System

Using Exact Path and Study Island 
for Pre- and Post-Tests
Pre-tests and post-tests involve the administration of a beginning-of-year (BOY) pre-test and an end-of-year (EOY) post-test. Districts must use third-party or district-created pre- and post-tests aligned to the course standards in which the teacher provides instruction. There are four options for districts to choose from when utilizing pre- and post-tests to measure student growth.

House Bill 3 was passed by the 86th Texas Legislature in 2019 and signed into law by Governor Abbott on June 12, 2019, establishing the Teacher Incentive Allotment (TIA) to reward and retain top-performing teachers financially. Eligible teachers must either:

  1. Have an active National Board Certification

  2. Be designated through a district’s local designation system (LDS)

Since 2019, TIA has allocated $575 million in additional funding to school systems across Texas. During the 2023–24 school year alone, the program distributed approximately $292 million toward teacher compensation for more than twenty-six thousand designated teachers. Check out TIA’s annual report to learn more about the program’s latest accomplishments here.

Creating your local designation system is a multiyear process that requires determining measures for teacher observation and student performance, stakeholder engagement, and system data validation.


Follow the linked resources below to find out how 
Edmentum's Exact Path (Option 2) 
and Study Island (Options 3 and 4) can measure student growth, including supporting application information and language.

Whether you are looking to create your own district assessment with Study Island or need help setting growth measures with Exact Path, Edmentum can assist every step of the way in ensuring that your local designation system is valid and reliable and that it rewards and retains your schools’ best resource: teachers.

Learn more:
Reach out to Marie Keith, Texas Regional Services Director, at 


Grades Covered: K–12   

Math & Reading

Highly Correlated to STAAR and NWEA performance

Exact Path has been awarded the ISTE Seal 2023-2025

See Option 2

Grades Covered: K–12

K-8 Reading, K-8 Writing, English I, English II, English III, K-8 Mathematics, Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, 3-8 Science, Biology, Physics, 3-8 Social Studies, U.S. History, World History & Geography, and more!

See Options 3 and 4

Applications for Cohort G 
open on November 1, 2023

Check back here for any updates.

Current Application Timeline – Cohort H

Applications are open from November 2024, through April 15, 2025.

  1. Application acceptance notifications will go out by August 2025 to begin data collection for the 2025–26 school year.

  2. The district will submit its 2025–26 school year data to Texas Tech University (TTU) for data validation by October 2026.

  3. Final approval notification will be in February 2027. In April 2027, teacher designations are awarded and placed on certificates, and the Texas Education Agency (TEA) notifies districts of the allotment for that school year. All approved districts receive their initial TIA payouts every September.

  4. Required annual program submission is due every August.

Districts can have many possible components in their designation systems, but at minimum, they must include a teacher observation and student performance component.